From Nassau to the entire world.
Lahntechnik is an owner-managed medium-sized company with an exciting history, highly dynamic and fostering big plans. Our core business is optimal cooling equipment tailored to the customer’s needs. Established by the entrepreneurs Max Hamann and Wilhelm Koenen in 1958, Lahntechnik has always been all about the development and manufacture of cooling units. The same still applies today, although the founders probably wouldn’t recognize the company anymore. The product range has grown exponentially: Around 14,000 cooling solutions per year are produced for more than 30 industries. These range from individual projects to small to large series, always with a long service life and based on reliable service concepts. Solutions are found for many industries, come in many sizes and are always according to what the customer wants!
Product and production capacities have grown as well as the number of employees and the countries to which the cooling units are exported.
The Lahn chillers can be found all over the world!
The company headquarters in Nassau is located not far from Bad Ems in the charming Lahn Valley. A stark contrast: On the one hand, the rural surroundings there, and on the other, technology that is impressive in its precision and individuality.
Expansion and enhancement through an acquisition
The acquisition of Duotemp Kältetechnik GmbH in 2005 marked a true milestone in the company’s history and development. The new company added more than 30 years of experience in the field of industrial cooling technology. Workpiece cooling, process cooling and vapor condensers complete the product portfolio today. The company was able to accelerate its growth and open up new markets.
The path to becoming one of the top suppliers of industrial cooling technology was thus set and has been consistently followed ever since.
However, this is only possible with a motivated and highly trained team. This is why the company invests heavily in training and further education.
Family business at its best
Lahntechnik has always been managed and developed by the owners. When the company was founded in 1958, it was actually supposed to be called ‘Lahnwerk GmbH – Fabrikation kältetechnischer Apparate’—fortunately, it was ultimately registered as ‘Lahntechnik’. The focus on technical solutions was thus embodied directly in the name.
The rapid growth quickly became apparent: A new building was moved into in 1962. At the end of the 1980s, the founders retired, leaving the company with an array of challenges to face: Several changes of ownership and the recession of the 1990s. Nevertheless, the company stood its ground with an astonishing display of robustness.
The duotemp takeover unleashed enormous momentum—while the company claim ‘Customized solutions in cooling technology’ indicated the direction business would take.
In 2013, Dieter Keuser took over Lahntechnik and duotemp and has since pursued a strategy with the entire team of developing customized cooling solutions for a wide range of customer groups, while the company continues to be one of the most development-led in the industry. The Keuser family’s understanding of itself as entrepreneurial is first and foremost to have a good, trusting relationship with its employees, despite all the pressure from the market. This naturally also applies to customers and suppliers, without whom growth, development and innovation would be difficult to achieve.
‘Togetherness’ is easily said and spelled out—at Lahntechnik it’s brought to life in a big way!
The future: Optimism and challenge
Employees, companies and markets are constantly evolving. We can only exploit our innovation potential by consistently maintaining close contact with customers and suppliers. This is second nature to us. In addition to the development and production of outstanding cooling technology, our comprehensive service concept plays a key role in this. The main focus is to prevent or minimize machine downtimes.
Good service creates trust.
The economic environment will certainly not become any easier in the next few years, which makes us all the more determined! Everyone at Lahntechnik is collaborating on something big! Nothing has actually changed in this respect.
This is how we’re tackling the future—with all its challenges, but above all with all its opportunities!
The LT brand
From the founding of our company to the present day, our innovative spirit and high technical quality have always been at the core of our philosophy.
Individuality and state-of-the-art technology are also central aspects. We don’t think in terms of products, but in terms of individual solutions. Our customers get exactly the cooling unit they need, which is how we achieve a high level of relevancy in many industries.
Because we are uncompromising when it comes to precision.
This is what we reflect in our brands.
A successful brand consistently delivers exactly the services and products that customers expect. Complex options should be offered as simply as possible. To create trust among customers, it is important that the brand believes in itself, and this is achieved to a large extent by the employees. They themselves need to find the products fascinating and fully understand them.
This is definitely the case at Lahntechnik and something we are enormously proud of!
Lahntechnik’s represents the combination of high-quality product construction and open communication with customers and suppliers. The system is designed to last and promotes a modern external image, which is of vital importance for the future of the company.
The most visible sign of this is our logo with the LT content and visual bracket, which is found throughout the entire brand architecture and also in our external image.
It is essential for a modern brand to embody values to which everyone is committed. At Lahntechnik, this is what we demand of ourselves: To produce the best cooling technology for our customers’ requirements. Our manufacturing quality and our service concepts ensure that we strive for the longest possible service life of our products.
The LT brand covers the complete value chain of contemporary cooling technology.
manufactures active and passive coolers for liquid media.
is the specialist for workpiece cooling, process air cooling and vapor condensers.
represents project planning for plant engineering and large-scale chillers.
represents products for commercial cooling, medicine and filtration technology (incl. components).
is the division whose name speaks for itself. It’s where we offer our extensive range of services.

Perfection is a huge goal—we’re aware of that. Achieving it is tough—that too is clear. After all, perfection (according to the dictionary) means that something cannot be improved upon.
Our systems are intended to help our customers and contribute to safeguarding the relevant production processes in the long term. To meet these demands, it’s worth striving for perfection by combining our spirit of innovation with diligence.
We always give our best in all areas! This applies to both our employees and our technical equipment. We know exactly what we’re doing!
Our customers and partners expect absolute reliability and accuracy.
Which is exactly why at Lahntechnik we make zero compromises when it comes to precision.

For us, flexibility and perfection go hand in hand. The best cooling systems should always fully satisfy existing customer needs down to the last detail—as well as those that may arise. Our aim is to be the ultimate sparring partner for our customers and partners, when it comes to further developing our joint capabilities. We take your requirements on board, immerse ourselves in your processes and work with you to develop the right solution. As always, everything is handled with care and flexibility—from individual projects to series production.
Networking with customers and suppliers is the guarantee for success. As such, flexibility goes hand in hand with an open-minded approach.

A third essential factor for our work is precision. It’s not without reason that ‘uncompromising when it comes to precision’ is one of our main core values—something we emphatically convey.
Perfection, flexibility and precision define the standards we set for ourselves. Only cooling technology that meets these three criteria leaves our factory. Striving for precision is second nature to all our employees. This also applies, of course, to the extensive range of services we offer at Lahntechnik.
From the quaint town of Nassau, we send cooling units out all over the world—equipment quality and reliability are what it’s all about for the entire Lahntechnik crew.
Individuality in perfection—confirmed by DIN EN 9001:2015 certification!
Reliability, durability and top quality: Those are what we demand of both ourselves and our cooling units.
The high level of added value is what sets us apart: We offer in-house sheet metal production, our own precision, welding and bending facilities and a paint shop. In addition, we have both electrical and wiring diagram design on site as well as test facilities, which enable us to carry out operating simulations under real application conditions. The quality standards run throughout the entire value-added chain. All work and operational processes are embedded in a quality management system and are scrutinized and optimized by means of regular internal audits. The high quality is also reflected in the results of the audits performed by our customers—and demonstrated by our certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015.
This and all other relevant certificates can be found here.